4th NOVEMBER 2018

Pierzak – 4th November 2018 

On Sunday (4th November 2018), between the hours of 12:30 a.m. and 3 p.m., at the school in Bobrowniki, in a museum village at the Lublin Open Air Village Village Museum, will take place the museum event „Pierzak”.


On that day, the band „Kumowianki” from Kumów, museum friends and employees, as well as students of School no. 12, will perform, in the spirit of amateur theatre, in the performance „Pierzaki kumowskie”.


In one village in the area of Chełm, during the late autumn afternoon, a group of women tear feathers. Every year, it goes off calmly, but that day in the chamber unexpectedly appear: a beggar telling stories from the world, Jewish married couple of merchants, a woman with a cat, who will blow feathers up all over the chamber. After the work, the lady of the house will serve a meal for her „helpers”.


The author of the play is the band „Kumowianki” and Grzegorz Miliszkiewicz, the Lublin Open Air Village Museum – threads concerning Jewish peddler’s trade, beggar and schoolchildren.  Scenery – Grzegorz Miliszkiewicz; wood carvings (a. o. goose)  – folk sculptor Adam Lipa from Siedliski.


Costumes – Łucja Kondratowicz-Miliszkiewicz, the Lublin Open Air Village Museum


The game “Gęsi, gęsi do domu” will be led by Halina Stachyra, the Lublin Open Air Village Museum

After the performance, we will sit at tables to make a Christmas tree ornament – little spider (made of goose down, straw and green peas). During break, children and adults will go outside to play the game “Gąski, gąski do domu”. The more participants, the merrier.


*As only limited number of participations is allowed (70 people), please contact us in advance.

Phone reservation: Dział Ekspozycji i Edukacji Muzealnej from 22 October 2018 r., tel. no.: (81) 53-385-13 intern 18 (museum education), from Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 2 p.m.