
In August, we invite you to classes about herbs – devoted to the subject of herbs, herbal medicine, and the protection of the natural resources of the Lublin region. The lecturer will focus on ancient (today we would say – ecological) methods of curing diseases and horticultural therapy. Among the topics discussed, there will be information about the herbs occurring in the area of the open-air museum – including their identification, harvest time and health properties.

Classes will be held in the Powiśle sector and are scheduled on the following dates:

17th of August (Tuesday) – 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

21th of August (Saturday) – 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

29th of August (Sunday) – 10:00 am – 12.00 pm

Advance registration is required at: Classes will be conducted in groups of up to 30 people.

Participation in the activities is free of charge but Museum entrance tickets are required (20 PLN/regular, 10 PLN/reduced).

The participants are supposed to gather at the reception building of the Museum.


Meetings with the herbalist are held as a part of the project entitled „Ziołowa recepta. Ekoedukacja dzieci i młodzieży w Muzeum Wsi Lubelskiej” (eng. “Herbal prescription. Eco-education of children and youth in the Open Air Village Museum in Lublin”), co-financed by the WFOŚiGW* in Lublin.

*WFOŚiGW – it’s a Polish acronym of Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej. It’s English equivalent is Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.